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Close Coupled Pumps

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Close coupled pumps are designed to connect the motor shaft directly to the pump thereby eliminating shaft couplings that require accurate alignments. Repairs and replacements of this type pumps can be easily handled and even managed by a on-site semi skilled staff.

TiTaNĀ® Pump division manufactures an extensive line of close coupled pumps for a wide range of applications, including chemical transfer, pressure boosting systems, cooling water treatment. The pumps are also available in a range of materials of construction including titanium, duplex SS, 316 stainless steel and more.


  1. Brine
  2. Seawater
  3. Effluent
  4. Caustic & Bromine
  5. Hypochlorite
  6. Pharmaceuticals
  7. Food Processing
  8. Chemical Environment
  9. Organic Environment
  10. Corrosive Acids

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Activated Titanium Metal Anodes Atma, After Coolers, Ball Valves, Batch Chlorinators, Blowers, Branching Outlet Fittings, Butt Weld Fittings, Butterfly Valves, Caustic Chlorine Plant Equipments, Caustic Recovery Machinery, Caustic Recovery Plant, Centrifugal Pumps In Non Corrosive Metals, Check Valves, Chemical Dosing Pumps, Chemical Plants, Chemical Storage Tank, Chlor Alkali Anode, Chlorate Cell Anode, Chlorine Di Oxide Plant, Chlorine Oxygen Evolving, Close Coupled Pumps, Coils For Electroplating, Columns And Towers, Commercial Salt Water Pool Chlorinator, Concentric Tubular Cell, Condenser Seawater Condensers, Condensers, Cooling Water Treatment System, Copper Flexibles, Diaphragm Cell Anode, Domestic Sewage Treatment System, Effluent Treatment Plant, Electro De Ionization Cell, Electrolyzers, Electroplating, Electroplating Jigs And Racks, Electroplating Tanks, Fabricated Pipe Spools, Fluid Handling, Forged Fittings, Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Heat Exchangers, Heaters, Heating Cooling Immersion Coils, High Strength Hypo Bleach Plant, Hygienic Pumps For Pharmaceuticals, Hypochlorite Generator (Chlorinator) Anodes, Inconel Waspalloy Fastener, Injection Solution Kettle, Marine Equipments, Marine Growth Prevention System, Membrane Cell Anode, Membrane Electrolyser, Mercury Cell Anode, Metal Anodes, Metallic Vessels, Mixed Metal Oxide Iccp Anode, Mobile Chlorine Generators, Modular Chlorate Cell Anode, Moisture Water Oil Separatos, Mother Liquor Pre Heater, Onsite Hypochlorite Generators, Parallel Plate Electrolyzer, Pipe Ferrule Fittings, Pipes And Pipe Fittings, Platinised Iccp Anodes, Platinized Niobium Metal Anodes, Platinized Titanium Metal Anodes, Plug Valves, Pressure Vessels, Prime Surface Heat Exchangers, Pumps, Reaction Vessels, Reactor Vessels, Reactors, S. S. Vessels, Seawater Cells, Seawater Chlorination Systems, Sewage Or Effluent Cell, Shell Heat Exchangers, Ship Ballast Water Treatment System, Sodium Chlorate Manufacturing System, Solid Titanium Heat Exchangers, Special Fabrication, Special Metal Electrodes, Spiral Heat Exchangers, Sterile Reactor, Strirage Vessels, Tantalum Heat Exchangers, Thermowells, Titanium Anode Baskets, Titanium Fasteners, Titanium Reboilers, Titanium Tube Bundles, Vacuum Pumps, Valves